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After our previous session I am much more calm and collected at work, sleep well at night and don't experience that feeling of total hopelessness anymore. Arnold, Namibia

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Today's session was a gentle reminder of all these things that I have based my life on and my work. I can feel the spirits are there. There is a spark... and a sense of hope. Diane Marie, USA

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Since the healing I have done hectic gym classes, spent hours cycling and horse riding... ALL the pain and stiffness from my hip injury has totally vanished - THANKS! Claire, Namibia

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It's kinda funny sitting here with the feeling that the top of my head would like to detach itself from my body and go somewhere else. Don, Namibia

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Habe es sehr intensiv wahrgenommen - spüre jetzt vor allem meinen Rücken, als ob sich dort jetzt ein Block löst. Habe Mantren gehört, alles wunderbar, spüre auch mehr Energie. Esther, Germany

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First I felt kind of nauseous when your hands were near my heart. I could see a diffuse light when your hands went past my eyes. After you blew the wizard weed (white sage) over me, I could see kind of dark waves going out of me, like smoke or something like that and I felt the need to hold to the stone in my left hand. Then I felt like you were pulling something out of my stomach. I could feel vibrations when you were touching my feet and my fingers. In the end the light became very strong, like a ball, it was dazzling. Fanny, South Africa

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I don't seem to see other colors except white light and gold when the healing is going on. There was that old man, long hair and beard and long robe, very tall and straight - he seemed to be the 'master' - standing on the right side of the bed the whole time with arms outstretched. At one point there was a huge light-body angel - very gold color. The more I’m with you, the more I am allowed to see and experience. Thank you for the opportunity and letting me be part of the process. Gabi, Namibia

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After the CHI course I got so spaced out that I walked out in my socks and left my shoes there. Gavin, Namibia

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After our meetings I keep feeling an awareness coming from my hands and feet, a constant slow, warm and pleasant flow of energy that makes me wonder. Irene, Ethiopia

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The session was great. Thank you very much for it! First felt my left leg being pulled long and the right one pushed back. Right calves started hurting and became quite uncomfortable for a while, later my shoulders/arms did the same pushing and pulling thing. Calves were fine then and I went quite far away, was lovely. Definitely didn’t want to surface when you said its time to get up. :-) Your hands got really hot in the beginning around my heart chakra, felt nice. Jutta, Germany

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My ankle and foot felt really weird just after the healing session. It was as if it had just been sprained and was starting to swell dramatically. Lasted a few minutes (did not swell) and went away. But have also felt a bit of pain radiating down to the fourth toe, think that was part of the upset ligament. Now feeling much better, thank you. Kim, Namibia

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The treatment was out of this world… for me… WOW! A superb experience… Did feel so great when I left, but had a total emotional “attack” - tears all over, can’t tell you why. I feel very good, 1000 Thanks! Kristina, Namibia

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Just want to thank you again for all the healing sessions you’ve done with me. I have experienced quite an improvement in my personal life. Marita, Namibia

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Es wird dich nicht erstaunen, aber ich wollte Dir dennoch mitteilen, dass meine Hüftschmerzen gestern verschwunden sind, irgendwann nachdem ich bei Dir weggegangen bin. Ich war emotional den ganzen Tag super drauf! Total gut! Molly, Namibia

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My body felt incredibly heavy and my head was as light as a feather. Like I said I got that headachy type thing behind my eyes, but I sort of worked it out that something there was being opened up because the next thing I was blinded by all this white light. The last part of the session was just white and right at the end when you stopped purple again. I really didn’t want to get off that bed and join the real world. Maureen, Namibia

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We so loved having you here and little did I imagine how wonderful your stay would be. You touched a lot of lives and I think that you seriously made a difference not only to me, but to Lawrence, who had not experienced healing before. Sally, South Africa

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Hey by the way, my back is still in good condition, so your magic is still working! Stephanie, New Zealand

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During the session I could really let go of fear and past hurts, I see them now as lessons learned not to make the same mistakes again. The light being I saw, was very comforting to me! This experience was an eye-opener to me and I could feel the universal energy that you channeled was of pure love, it made me understand that everything has purpose. Taritha, Namibia

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Seit Du meinen Kopf behandelt hast, sind die Nebenhöhlen frei und ich habe mich seither so viel besser gefühlt. Tina, Namibia

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You have been amazing, and I have no words to thank you for all the times you have committed to my healing process. Tony, Namibia

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That was an amazing session - thank you! Dianne, Namibia

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I feel whole and energetic and my back feels normal… Dhyani, Namibia

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Apart from radiating vibrantly I feel really connected. I am quite amazed how my whole body was vibrating during our session and how feather light I felt. And on top of that all the different light colors I could see was amazing. I wish I could stay on that frequency all the time… Carmen, Israel

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I am feeling so much better, on many levels. My solar plexus is much calmer, my back better and very fascinating, the torn muscle behind my ribs is fixed. I am amazed and in awe! Nastja, Germany

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Since your healer-workshop I personally feel a tremendous increase in energy and warmth in my hands and around my head while giving Reiki to my patients. I use the deep breathing you taught us and say glory to God ever so often. The result is incredible. During your workshop I could feel my root chakra spinning like crazy. Thank you once again for the wonderful teaching. Martina, Namibia

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For me your healing technique is the next level - but almost as if it's even more than just one level up - it's an entirely different kettle of fish, so to speak. Another dimension for sure. Gabi, Namibia

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Had a session with a healer, he saw two beautiful lights around me, protecting me: my grandmother and a "approx. 50-60 year old male" :-) I wonder... Jenna, Italy

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During the healing I felt strong bubbling energy in my whole body, especially chakras 2&3 had strong moves. I also felt Spirits around me and like blood change/new liquid to my veins in my hands. Very interesting experience! Tiina, Switzerland

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The pain that my mother had on her leg disappeared after the session with you and has not come back. Erica, Namibia

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Something went in and out of my ears with purple lights, some needles pinching my eyebrows, not very nice. My legs got restless and for some moments I had to move them a lot. It's difficult to explain, what I felt in my pineal gland, I see that it is a kind of small pile of chrystal and they've been very dim, but like something cleaning them. Tuire, Finland

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I have had a quite stressful situation in my life through August - September. I booked two distance healing sessions from Nic. The sessions helped me more than I could expect. I recommend Nics sessions from my hearth. They helped me so much. 💜 Siru, Finland

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Tiedätkö miltä tuntuu, kun joidenkin ihmisten lähelle tullessa tuntee niin parantavaa, korkeavärähteistä ja rakkaudellista energiaa, että sen kauneus alkaa itkettämään? Mie tiedän, kun mulle tapahtui näin eilen. Toki jokainen kokemus on jokaiselle omanlainen, kun omalla matkalla jokainen täällä ollaan. Olen niin kiitollinen, että Jaakko Kaisto ja Nic Kolbe päättivätkin tehdä vielä "pienen" mutkan tänne Lappiin sekä järjestivät ihan huikean hoitavan rumpumatkan, jota ei sanoin voi edes kuvata vaan se täytyy kokea ❤️❤️❤️ Suvi, Finland

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Hi Nic, we are awesome! Thank you so much for the wonderful experience! We can definitely feel the shift! We both feel much lighter. We both had out of body experiences and this definitely aligned us more with higher frequency. We have lots of energy and a new sense of peace, but also excited for what’s to come next. Kylie, Namibia

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Hi Nic, hope you got my feedback on email of the session yesterday. I have been totally pain free all day today. So full of gratitude. Thank you so so much. Nina, Finland

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Sunset. Picture: Nic Kolbe